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A planned system maintenance will take place and will be unavailable between 4 a.m. and 7 a.m. on Tuesday, December 10th. Thank you for your understanding.



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Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts

Game decision Keyboard shortcut
Fold Ctrl + left arrow
Call or check Ctrl + down arrow
Bet or raise Ctrl + right arrow
Rebuy or Cashier Ctrl + R
Chat Ctrl + C
Sit out Ctrl + O
Muck loosing hands Ctrl + X
Increase slider tab Shift + right arrow
(For No-Limit and Pot Limit Poker)
Decrease slider tab Shift + left arrow
(For No-Limit and Pot Limit Poker)
Enter a specific value slider tab Shift + space
(For No-Limit and Pot Limit Poker)
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Game decision Keyboard shortcut
Fold Cmd + left arrow
Call or check Cmd + down arrow
Bet or raise Cmd + right arrow
Rebuy or Cashier Cmd + R
Chat Cmd + C
Sit out Cmd + O
Muck loosing hands Cmd + X
Increase slider tab Shift + right arrow
(For No-Limit and Pot Limit Poker)
Decrease slider tab Shift + left arrow
(For No-Limit and Pot Limit Poker)
Enter a specific value slider tab Shift + space
(For No-Limit and Pot Limit Poker)
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